Des idées pour promouvoir l'économie circulaire en Valais ?
#1pec L'appel 1PEC
Crowd Co-Ownership for SME
Strengthening the local economy. Many SMEs will continue to suffer from the effects of CoVID-19 for a long time. However, the outbreak is only part of the structural change that companies are going through. Globalization is a well-known 'problem' that is only exacerbated by crises like this. Strengthening the local economy and promoting innovation isn't easy - especially, if a company is struggling to survive. The stimulation of the economy in a (partly) closed circle is only possible if everyone can benefit from it. It is difficult to participate in companies as an individual and it's almost impossible to do so in a way that is feasible for a broader scope of people. Business cooperation. Main goal of the idea is to participate in local / regional companies in a form of Crowd-Co-Ownership. This promotes the exchange of companies within the pool, but also creates incentives for investors to promote these local companies. Example: A craft company could send their employees for lunch to a restaurant, in which is partly owned by themself. Conversely, when renovating, the restaurant gives the contract to this crafting company. This creates a positive feedback loop, with none of the companies losing. Everyone is in the same boat and is involved in everyone's success by helping each other. In addition, there is greater planning security for companies. In crises, this mutual help can help companies to return to normal more quickly and give them more confidence and security because their business is backed by the community. Cohesion and innovation as growth drivers. However, the merger is not intended to create a monopoly or a single company. Rather, it is about growing as an economic area. As a result of growth, capital is available that helps strengthen existing companies, but is also available for new, innovative ideas and start-ups. Already today it is hardly possible for many SMEs to keep pace with developments in all areas. A joint investment in new areas reduces the burden for the individual and maximizes the result for everyone involved.
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